Latest News

July 10 Announcements

Today we welcome our Guest Speaker, Bryan Aitken.

Rev. Emily will be on vacation from Monday July 4, returning to the pulpit on Sunday, July 24.  We will be welcoming Rev. Tom Rodger on Sunday, July 17.

Please join us after the service today for lemonade and conversation in Wenino Hall.

We will be having an in-person
this year on Saturday, October 29th
However, it has been decided that we will scale it down, so
there will be Books, Frozen Meals and a Tea Room
If you have any BOOKS you would like to donate
for the bazaar, you can start bringing them
to the church right away.

June 19 Announcements

Important Reminder!
Member’s ballots for nomination of new elders,
must be in by Sunday, June 26, 2022

Welcome to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church!

A bit of useful information for you as a visitor:

  • There is a nursery available for parents, babies and young children to use as needed, located through north-side door at the front of the sanctuary
  • For school age children, “Praise Packs” with quiet toys and drawing materials are available as you come into the church. Ask a Greeter and they would be glad to assist you. Sunday School will resume in September.
  • There are several locations of washrooms available: two off the corridor through the south-side door at the front of the sanctuary, and an accessible washroom located down the hall from the nursery.
  • If you would like to support St. Andrew’s, the offering plates are located at both entrances as you come in.  There are Visitor envelopes for you at both locations. To donate online, visit our website and click on “Donate Now.”
  • Refreshments and Conversation happen after the Worship Service in Wenino Hall. Follow the crowd through the north-side door at the front of the sanctuary and turn left. 

Want more information?

Find out more about our ministries and what current events are happening by checking us out online at:
Connect with us on Facebook & YouTube
To contact us beyond Sunday services:



June 5 Announcements

Mon.   11:00 a.m. Line Dancing Group (Wenino Hall)
Fri.      6:30 p.m. Tartans to be hung up

Sunday, June 12        Kirkin O’ Tartan Service
(With Tea and Scottish Scones afterward)
Thurs., June 16          Session  7:00 p.m.

W.M.S. Ladies please note: 
Tuesday, June 14th at 11:30 a.m.,
W.M.S. will meet at the church for a “Bring your own picnic lunch”.
The regular June meeting will follow at same location, approximately 1:30 p.m.   We welcome you to join us!

Volunteer Servers are needed for June19 & 26 “After Church Coffee”   If you are able to help, please sign the sheet outside the accounting office.

The special yellow envelope in your donation box used today, will be designated to go to “The Inn of the Good Shepherd”.
Did you know, St. Andrew’s has a permanent barrel for food donations located at the side entrance to the church.

May 22 Announcements

May 23 to June 3 – Rev. Emily will be on vacation
Sunday, May 29 – Rev. Tom Rodger will be preaching
Saturday, June 4 10 am to 4 pm – St. Andrew’s is participating in ‘Unlock Lambton’
Susnday, June 12 – Kirkin O’Tartan Service

Please be sure to check your Church mailbox for a package from
Session regarding voting for 2 new Elders.
(In order to vote, you must be a member of St. Andrews)

May 8 Announcements

Tues.               1:30 p.m. W.M.S. (Parlour)
Wed.               1:00 p.m. Worship & Music (Choir Rm)
Wed.                7:00 p.m. Session (Board Rm.)

The latest “Our Daily Bread” devotionals are available on the greeter’s tables for you or a friend.

May 1 Announcements

We welcome today, our Guest Speaker Dr. Robert Walker
Rev. Emily will be at St. Andrew’s, Strathroy today as she is their Interim Moderator

The Mission Team will be selling TURKEY PIES after worship TODAY and also on Monday & Wednesday morning.  The cost is $4. Per pie.  Chili is also available for sale.  The cost is $5. each

Volunteers are needed to host the Fellowship Time during the month of May.  Please speak to Sandy Warnica if you’d like to help.
We’re looking to train a few volunteers to run the slide presentation during worship. Let Rev. Emily know if you’d like to help.

April 17 Announcements

The Special Offering today, will go towards the work of the church.

Thank you to our inhouse painters, Yvonne McInnes  and Erica Paradis for painting the bathroom near the Office.  Well done!

 *New* Family Directory – Our Anniversary Team is putting together a new family directory for our church family.  If you would like your name, address and phone number included, please call the Church Office (519-332-2662) to let us know.

Scripture Readers are needed for the month of May.  Please speak to Rev. Emily or contact the Church Office if you wish to volunteer.
People are needed to learn how to run the computer during the worship service.  Rev. Emily will teach you what to do.

March 27 Announcements

Thanks to your generous donations to “The Ukraine Crisis”, St. Andrew’s will be sending $ 1,455.00 to help. The Mission Team wanted to make a  visible reminder of the Crisis in Ukraine.     So, during coffee time, you will notice a decorated tree with Ukraine’s flag colours.

*New* Family Directory for our Church

Our Anniversary Committee is putting the finishing touches on our new, updated family directory. The Family Directory will contain names and contact information for each family in our church. This directory will not be published on our website, nor will it be available to non-members.

If you would like some or all of your contact information to be included in the directory, please write your name on the reverse of this slip and put it in either the collection plate or the Church Office mailbox.

March 20 Announcements

Please note that  the Church Financial Office has changed its hours.  If you would like to speak to someone from this office they will be in on, Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Four Ways to Support Ukraine

    • You can make Donations at St. Andrew’s for the Crisis in Ukraine, and they will be forwarded to PWS & D.
    • Presbyterian World Service & Development is receiving donations for their Ukraine Crisis online using this link:
    • You can also mail your contribution to PWS&D at the address below. Mark your gift as designated for Ukraine. Please include the name of our church – St. Andrew’s (Sarnia) – and your own name and address for tax purposes.

    Presbyterian World Service & Development
    50 Wynford Drive
    Toronto, Ontario
    M3C 1J7

    And finally, pray for the people of Ukraine by joining in with St. Andrew’s Online Daily Prayer, or including them in your personal prayers.

March 13 Announcements

Support the People of Ukraine
Presbyterian World Service & Development is receiving donations for their Ukraine Crisis online using this link:

The new edition of “The Presbyterian Connection” newspaper has arrived.  Be sure to pick up a copy at the door or on the table in Wenino Hall.

April 10                       Palm Sunday
April 15                       Good Friday   10:30 a.m.
April 17                       Easter / Communion