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March 6 Announcements

Please join us after the service  for coffee and conversation in Wenino Hall.   

 (Out of an abundance of care, you must be double vaccinated to attend)


This Week:
Tuesday March 8: WMS meeting at 1.30 P.M. in the Ladies Parlour.  Membership dues of $8.00 per person will be accepted.
Wednesday March 9: 1:00 p.m. Worship & Music (Choir Rm.)

St. Andrew’s Online Daily Prayer for Lent
From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, you’ll receive a daily email with a link to an audio devotional prayer with Rev. Emily. Each devotional recording is about eight minutes in length, and includes Scripture readings from the psalms and gospels, and prayers for the world and our community. If you aren’t subscribed to our email list and would like to be, please email Rev. Emily and she will add you (

The Mission envelopes from February 6 were designated to go to PWS&D, “A Classroom for every Child”, we are pleased to let you know that $887.00 was donated.  Thank you to everyone who gave.


February 20 Announcements


Central Baptist Church, 391 London Rd., Sarnia (near corner of Russell and London Rd.) is the host for the WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Service on FRI. MAR. 4 at 2 P.M.

A video produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, on England, Wales and Northern Ireland, will be shown in the Sanctuary.  Current regulations require masks, distancing and vaccinations.  Entrance will be off the parking lot.

Envelopes will be provided for receipted offerings to be mailed to WICC by the donor, unless otherwise advised that day. An offering plate will be available for unreceipted offerings and this will be sent to WICC by Central Baptist Church.


February 13 Announcements

The 2022 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 27th after worship.  Please be sure to pick up your Annual Report from your mailbox before the Annual Meeting.

First Baptist Church in Petrolia, along with the Canadian Bible Society, will be hosting a 10-day reading of the Bible on April 18-27.If you are interested in being a reader please contact First Baptist Church at 519-882-2480 or email

February 6 Announcements

PLEASE NOTE:  There will be NO after church coffee until further notice, due to new COVID restrictions.

The special yellow envelope in your offering box for TODAY is for Mission and will be designated to Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D)

Education is one of the most crucial tools in breaking cycles of poverty, but over 260 million children—the majority of whom are girls—don’t have the opportunity to go to school. By opening classroom doors, providing necessary supplies and delivering training for teachers, your gifts will help children reach their full potential.

January 16 Announcements

PLEASE NOTE:  There will be NO After Church Coffee until further notice, due to new Covid restrictions.

If you have any pastoral concerns or to inform the office of anyone who is sick or in hospital please call the office at 519-332-2662, or email Rev. Emily,

Poinsettias – this is the last Sunday we will be having the poinsettias in the sanctuary, so if you would like to take one home after worship, feel free to do so today.

Greeters and Ushers are needed. If you would like to volunteer to do this, please contact the Church Office.  519-332-2662


December 19 Announcements

Please join us for coffee and conversation after the service today in Wenino Hall.  Due to COVID event restrictions, you must be double vaccinated to attend.


Christmas Eve Service will be held FRIDAY, December 24th at 7 p.m.
Scripture readers are needed for Christmas Eve
2 Greeters and 1 Usher are needed for Sunday, December 26

Rev. Emily will be away effective December 25 to January 6, if you have any pastoral concerns, please contact the Clerk of Session, Mary Strong @ 519-466-2657

November 28 Announcements

The Mitten Tree and White Gift Sunday start today and continue until December 12.  Donations of mittens, scarves, socks or a Christmas Gift (please mark age and gender on the gift).  The items will be given to the Inn of the Good Shepherd and The Salvation Army.

Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated next Sunday,
December 5.  The special cream coloured envelope donations will be used towards the work of the church.