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November 21 Announcements

Updated COVID-19 Safety Procedures have been added to the website.  Please click COVID-19 to review.

Help us fill the time capsule:  To celebrate our 180th anniversary, we’re putting together a time capsule to be opened on the 200thanniversary in 2041. The heart of the time capsule will be a scrapbook of your favourite memories about St. Andrew’s and your connection to the church. Over the next few weeks during Coffee and Conversation, you will find index cards on the tables in Wenino Hall. Please write down your name, how you became part of St. Andrew’s, and a favourite memory or two.

There will be an Advent Bible Study, “Word and Song,” starting on Monday, Nov. 29 and concluding on Monday, Dec. 20. Each week, our starting point will be an Advent or Christmas hymn and we’ll explore the story and the Scripture behind the song.

An online Advent Daily Devotional, “Joy to the World,” will begin on the First Sunday of Advent. If you do not already receive emails from us and would like to get the devotional, please email Rev. Emily ( to be added

November 14 Announcements

Christmas Poinsettias – if you would like to place a poinsettia in memory of a loved one in the sanctuary for December, please fill out the envelope included in the bulletin and enclose your payment of $25 and the person(s) who they are in memory of.  Please either leave on the collection plate or submit it to the office.  The plants are red and are 7 inch (from Praills). Thank you.

Readers are needed for the Advent Liturgies, starting November 28th.  Please contact Cathy in the office or Rev. Emily if you are able to help.

November 7 Announcements

The Cookie Ladies are back!  They will be making Traditional Shortbread Cookies on Nov. 25 & Nov. 26.  Place your order with the Church Office.

Sunday November 21 is the 180th Anniversary Service.  Our guest speaker will be Reverend Stephen Farris.

White Gift Sunday starts on Sunday, November 28

October 24 Announcements

This Week:
Rev Emily will be away on vacation until October 28.  Please welcome today our Guest Speaker, Dr. Robert Walker.

We wish to inform the Congregation that David Cross, our Custodian, will be retiring and his last day of work is Thursday, October 28th.  We extend our best wishes to David & Faye as they embark on a new chapter of their lives!

Can You Help?
St. Andrew’s Mission Team is asking for volunteers to help with the meals that St. Andrews serves at The Inn of the Good Shepherd.  We are looking for someone who would be willing to help cook part of the meal (at their own home) and also for servers to come to the Inn.  Please contact Susan Smith, Sharon Emmett or the Church Office if you could help with this project.  Thank you

October 10 Announcements

  • The WMS meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 12/21 at 1.30 P.M. in the Fellowship Room. COVID rules will be followed once arriving at the church.
  • Rev. Emily will be away on vacation starting Oct.18 until Oct. 28. Bob Walker will be the pulpit supply for October 24th.
  • Our wonderful card ministry is led by Anna Mae McCrea and she is looking for a person to share this very meaningful job.
  • We need more Ushers and Greeters for Sunday morning,  If you would like to help, please let Rev. Emily know or call Cathy in the office.

Love, Sympathy and Prayers go to the family of Wyn Christopher, who passed away on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at the age of 97.  A service was held this past Friday.

October 3 Announcements

Attention Parents and Grandparents!

Introducing Praise Packs for toddlers and children! To better welcome our youngest members and visitors, the Christian Education Team has prepared Praise Packs that families can borrow for use during worship. The Packs include colouring and craft supplies, a Worship Bingo game, and a cuddly “church friend” stuffed animal.

St. Andrew’s Cookbooks are still available to buy.  The cost is $15.

September 19 Announcements

On Sunday September 26, our worship will be acknowledging “The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Next Sunday, we encourage you to wear an Orange shirt in support of this day.

Items for donation to the Thanksgiving Food Drive can be brought to the church on Sundays, as well as Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during the week. The last day to drop off groceries is Friday, October 1.

On Sunday, October 3, St. Andrew’s will be celebrating World Communion Sunday.

If you have any pastoral concerns or to inform the office of anyone who is sick or in hospital please call the office at 519-332-2662, or email Rev. Emily,


September 12 Announcements

Sunday, September 12 is BIG HATS, LOUD SHIRTS Sunday.  Please join us after worship for a BBQ picnic.



The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary have been placed by Lee Rawson, Bill Shaw & Family, in memory of Mary Allison Shaw.

St. Andrew’s Mission Team has been faithfully providing lunch at the Inn of the Good Shepherd on the first Tuesday of every other month throughout the pandemic. This past week, they served lunch to 79 people. If you would like to help out next time by making meals or serving them, please contact Cathy at the church office

St. Andrew’s Cookbooks are still available to buy.  The cost is $15.

September 30th is the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, a new federal statutory holiday. We will be acknowledging this important day during our worship service on September 26.  The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is intended to honour indigenous residential school survivors, their families, and their communities as a vital component of the reconciliation process.

Offering Envelopes 2022 – We will soon be placing our order for 2022 envelopes.  If you currently do not have envelopes but would like to start using them, please contact the office (519-332-2662) or Victor Tarr by September 17th.

The Worship and Music team is holding its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive! Starting this Monday, items for donation can be brought to the church on Sundays, as well as Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during the week.
The last day to drop off groceries is Friday, October 1.