
Worship & Music

Worship and music feature a blend of traditional and contemporary. Scriptures are central to our worship and our understanding of God and his plans for us. From time to time, our services feature guest musicians and choirs.

Pastoral Care

A family atmosphere is prevalent in our congregation, and people show great concern for the well-being of others. Pastor Paul visits those in hospital and along with one of the elders, regularly visits those who are ill, bereaved or struggling in some other way. We also maintain contact with shut-ins through calls and cards

Children & Youth

Children are welcomed a part of our congregation. Children up to 10 years of age are present for part of each worship service and then leave to attend Children’s Church. On special occasions, children take part in worship services. Each August, a week-long Vacation Bible School is offered for children from the congregation as well as children in the community. The children participate in mission projects and at times the Children’s Church provides leadership in fundraising for projects to benefit other children.

Women’s Groups

Ladies Aid

The Ladies Aid group meets at the church at 2 pm, on the third Thursday of each month from October through May. The group works to support the work of the congregation as well as providing outreach and mission support within the community and beyond. Monies are raised through dues and the sale of cabbage rolls. The Ladies Aid supports a child through the Christian Children’s Fund, raises money each year for Sleeping Children Around the World, Fellowship of the Least Coin, supports the Alzheimer’s Society by hosting a coffee hour, provides food donations for the Community Living luncheon as well as donating to other local causes. Each December, the group also hosts an annual pot luck dinner for the congregation and invites donations for to support those in need in our community and provides lunches after special services.

Sit and Stitch

The Sit and Stitch Group meets at the church at 2 pm, the second Thursday of the month from September through May. Those who attend are skilled in many areas of needlecraft including knitting, crocheting, embroidery etc. The group produces comfort shawls, caps for preemies and other babies born in local hospitals as well as small knitted toys, and afghans and covers for an orphanage in the Philippines. We also provide instruction for those who want to learn to knit or crochet including one of the Girl Guide groups which meets at St. Andrew’s.

Men’s Group

The men’s breakfast group meets at 8 am on the third Saturday of each month at the Korner Perk restaurant on Broadway St. From time to time there is a guest speaker. All men are invited to attend.