Notes from Nov. 9th’s Message

When we talk about gentleness and self control we can talk about just about any part of our lives.  Whether it is our actions and our words, whether it is giving into our desires, whether it is about things that we don’t even realize we think we need to worry about self control.  I am not going to go to much into gentleness because I believe that this one of the fruits can be seen more and more as we follow in self control.  It is very import an to exercise gentleness, especially when we are confronting changes and problems in our lives and work place.  We can very easily confront problems and other people with aggression which then escalates problems.  When we enter into a situation with gentleness and self control, we are not coming in as weak but in control.

Many of use have problems with self control.  For some it is what we think about.  Our society may not care so much about what we think about but Jesus does.  In the Gospels, Jesus raises the bar on sin.  Many people would agree that sin is an action word.  You have to do something to sin.  However, Jesus said that even if you think about sinning, e.g. thinking about adultery, or hating your brother or sister ( Jesus says this is like murder).  Others have a problem of worrying.  Keeping your focus on your problems instead of seeking to have a deeper relationship with Jesus and trusting in Him.  These are deeper problems that we need help for from the Holy Spirit and in some cases we need someone to walk with us through this journey, whether it is a pastor, or a counsellor or maybe even a doctor.

A lot of us might focus on the need to have self control on our eating, on our spending, on balance in life, on how we respond i.e. our actions and our words, and many others that you can put into this category.  Having these needs for balance and self control is not just about our personal balance but it is greater than this, it is balance with the people around you, with the world, and with God.  Self-control is about obedience to God and flows down to how we relate to the world around us.  In the Bible, whether it is 2 Timothy 2:22-26 or Galatians 5:16-26, or a number of other scriptures, God is telling us that our actions and our words have consequences, and shows us what it would look like to follow God and be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Are we in line with God or are we trying to make God be inline with us?

Okay so now you may have taken the time to look at your life and be scared but the need to change many things in our lives that it is going to take a miracle to change.  You have been given a miracle.  God has come in Jesus to redeem us from our sins, forgiving our sins when we come to God through Jesus, but God has also given us His Holy Spirit.  This change does not take place by our own strength but by the strengthening and empowering of the Holy Spirit.  We do not need to do this alone.  If we need to we can even break down our need to change and work on one area at a time.  God gave us Jesus to free us from sin, not to help us continue to live in sin.  Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed that isn’t what God wants from us either.  God wants us to be able to live life to the fullest not just a life half lived.  Being blessed by the Holy Spirit guides us away from our sinful passions, desires, actions, and words, leading us away from the trappings of the devil and into the freedom of love and grace that God wants to pour into our lives that too often we resist. Will you ask for the help you need and stay dedicated to God or will you ask and give up instead of persevering or will you just throw in the towel and give up on yourself and God.

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