Gratitude in the face of temptation

“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Does temptation control you?

Does it guide your steps, form your words?

When we give up so much of ourselves to a temptation, we start to act in a way to procure or make that temptation a reality. Now the simple temptations are easily overlooked but the deeper one, the ones that make the most difference in our lives, the owns we are afraid to have uncovered, to realize, to lose, these are the ones that have a power over us. Like David being tempted by his power to usurp God’s providence, to become a god delivering his own providence.

How do we deal with all these different temptations? These temptations that encourage us to distrust Jesus, to forget about God’s providence and to miss how He has been blessing us each and every day of our lives. We focus on what we want and what we don’t have instead of seeing Jesus, instead of living a life of gratitude. Gratitude becomes a new focal point of resistance against temptation. Gratitude for what Jesus has given to us, gratitude for the live that we are living, gratitude that He loves us more than we love ourselves.

How are you going to practise gratitude today?

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