Blaming God

“They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭18‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

Why do we not like recognizing that God is more trustworthy and honest than we remember?

We like to blame God for everything, it take the pressure off of us, it takes the responsibility off of us, at least that is what we sometimes like to think. Unfortunately we can’t blame God. Or maybe it is fortunately that we can’t blame God.

God gives us both the blessings and curses. He invites us to make an informed decision. God tells us what can and will happen but for some reason we seem to only see or hear the blessings or the curses, not both. God is intentional throughout the scriptures about giving us both, about helping us to see the benefits of being in a relationship with the one who gives us life or what it means to reject God. We forget that when we reject God we are rejecting everything that God has given to us. God warns us because God loves us.

It is out of this love that He warns us but also that He wants to bless us. It is also a reality that if we can blame God because He is devious, or has kept something from us then the blessing and the love that He claims to give is worthless. We try to blame God because of the reality of sin in our world and yet over and over again God helps us to see what life could look like on both sides of the road of life. God tells us both the blessings and curses, or warnings, He is not to blame, we are.

when we can see our place in this, we can truly start to see what God is trying to do. He is trying to bring healing into our lives, helping us to truly live, and to put an end to the brokenness that is plaguing the world. When we can come to terms with our own brokenness, we can start to receive the real blessing that God is giving to us, the blessing of His love through Jesus, of life and forgiveness through Jesus. God is not holding back on us, too often we are trying to hold Him back because we don’t recognize the love that we truly need.

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