Let us pray.

Lord, when our strivings seem to be insufficient to please those who judge us, when the accomplishments turn into failures, when our hearts loose hope, help us to be still with You.

Lord, when the world around us tries to sour our hearts to Your unfailing love, when perceived friends speak their truth, yet in our weaken state our hearts collapse under the wait of stress to our hearts and minds and souls. Our striving to do good and make a difference fall short of someone’s expectations. Too often we give more heart to the damaging words than to You Lord, the giver of our life.

Lord have mercy on us in our strivings. Too often misguided, unfocused and lost to the most important, we wander in this life but we don’t give to You the attention we should. Our expectations are skewered yet we still call us with the expectation that we will respond to Your voice, that we will respond to Your love and grace, that we will follow You, obey Your holy word, live the sacred life that You have blessed us with.

Help us to be still in Your presence and not be distracted by our frustrated strivings. Help us to know that it is You who needs to move us not us trying to move You. Help us to rediscover worshiping in the heart of Your grace instead of worshiping ourselves in Your name. May our whole being learn to worship You in Your fullness once again to truly live in Your joy, in Your life, so that our lives would be in tune with You. Lord we pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

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