Prayer for approaching Christmas

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, from conception, to birth, to first steps, to first friends, and first kisses, to life together and life with You Jesus. Our feeble steps do not always register with ourselves but You know each and everyone. As we approach the brightly lit night of Your birth so long ago, we yearn to experience the awe and excitement of the shepherds who were greeted by the choir of angels, who cowered in fear, and proclaimed the good news to towns people along their route.

We want to proclaim the good news of the beauty of God’s love shining through baby Jesus, but our eyes are distracted by other beautiful sites around us, our ears hear the songs of self indulgence, our hearts strive to better ourselves but miss the uplifting truth of Your life lifting us up to abundance.

Lord we struggle with the busyness of this season. We know that You are at the heart but we too easily get led away from Your centering love. The running and planning too easily get in the way of being present, of sharing the Good News, given from heaven and birthed in the ruggedness of living creation.

In the singing and eating, in the waiting and rushing, help us to focus on You, the word made flesh to bring reconciliation and healing to our broken lives. In the simplicity of a manger You have transformed broken lives into lives gifted eternal life. Gracious Lord we thank-you. We pray this in Your holy name. Amen.

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