Prayer for mercy

“crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Let us pray.

Lord we come to You knowing that You hear our every prayer. Lord we cry out for mercy. We are but clay pots shattered in the face of devastations. Lord we lift up to You the thousands of people who have died in Syria and Turkey because of the earthquake that has ravished those two countries. Our hearts cry out for mercy and comfort in the face of such tragedy. The collective hurt of those who have died, those who live with the scars both of body and soul, those who are living with unsaid words, unshared love, unspoken good-byes, no last kiss, no final embrace. Lord have mercy.

Lord we lift up to You also the families and friends of those who have had to live through the trauma of the recent car accidents. We recognize how fragile we really are in the face of all the tragedies we face. Lord bring comfort and healing to those who have suffered, families living with worry, hearts that have been broken by loss and their grief is flowing over the edges of their lives. Lord have mercy.

Lord we lift up to You those who aren’t sure how to face each day. The weight of these tragedies and the troubles around the world make them wonder why they should continue on. Lord of life and Lord of eternal life bring peace to the torrid thoughts of many questioning hearts and minds and help them to see beauty and hope in life and not just the yelling of the hurt and pain of so many. Help them to bring the light of Your hope into the struggles of others so that we all may work for peace, healing, and life in community. Lord we pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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