Giving Authority to Jesus

“and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Who has authority over you?

We like to think that we have authority over our own lives and to some extent we do but we need to think about who has authority over us. The authority we have over our lives has, I believe, been given to us by God. Ultimately I believe that God has authority over our lives. This is a hard belief for some people because they see it as limiting their freedom and self determination. Yet when we accept this truth we are opening our selves up to do what Jesus can do through us.

In Luke chapter 9, Jesus gives the disciples authority over much of our natural existence and even the spiritual aspects of our existence. They had trusted Jesus with their lives and was willing to follow Jesus. The gift of authority because they allowed Jesus to have authority over their lives. He then trusted them with something life giving and life changing. They were given even greater freedom because they relinquished their freedom to Jesus.

Whether it is as small and insignificant as bread and fish or a broken life seeking healing, Jesus can take it and do miracles. We are amazed at the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 plus people because of the sheer difference in the numbers but we have to remember that Jesus didn’t take the 5 loaves and 2 fish and turn it into a gourmet meal. He gave people what they needed in that moment, not necessary everything they wanted.

When we allow Jesus to have the authority over our lives that He really already has, it is not about going from rags to riches, it is about living in the reality of faith and the power of God, trusting in Him and giving thanks. What little you have to offer is the beginning of the miracle that Jesus is going to do.

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