Prayer for Patience

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27‬:‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, You hear every prayer that we say, and all the ones we cannot bring ourselves to even form the words. You know that what we want is not always what we truly need. Lord Jesus, help us accept that which we don’t want to accept but need to. Help us look beyond our limited perspective and see Your divine hand at work in our lives. We too often rely on our sight to see where You are guiding us, and we forget that You also call us to walk by faith.

We yell out to You, “But Lord . . . “ and we struggle. We struggle to be patient with You, not trusting You to bring us through to where You are calling us. We struggle to be patient with ourselves. We want perfection but we really don’t understand perfection. We see what others do and think that it is perfect but we miss what You are calling us to do and be. We can’t see perfection because perfection is never the same, except in You. Perfection is found is You but how that looks in me is different than what it looks like in another because we are all wonderfully and made. You Lord are the one who will see our perfection because You are the only one who can truly cause it and witness it.

Help us Lord to heed Your call on our lives and to not be limited by our fickle faith, but to allow the waters of life to guide our faith to deeper, stronger roots in You. We want to be able to grow strong and vibrant in You. Lord Jesus, we pray all of this in Your gracious and life giving name, Amen.

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