Praise Team

Praise Team

Our Praise Team started in 2003 to bring in different styles of worship music and to involve other people in the worship service.  With the praise team we have a variety of instruments and people singing, reading the scriptures, praying, and doing the Sunday school time.  You might see the praise team being referred to as PT in the bulletin.  Over the years we have had many different people with different musical abilities and gifts, different instruments and vocal abilities taking part in this group.  Whether you are just a beginner or have many years of playing/singing, you are welcome to be part of this group.  While the praise team does not have a set schedule, they try to participate in the service every four to six weeks.  If you are interested in being part of the Praise Team, please speak to Karl or Joyce, or leave a message at the church and we will connect you to them.

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