
Expecting to see joy

Are you expecting to encounter Jesus?
We live in a society with many expectations, the expectation to grow up, to finish school, to become self sufficient, the expectation to be good Christian and follow God’s commandments. To be honest some of these expectations are more expected than others and there are other expectations that I haven’t listed.
When it comes to our relationship with Jesus, the expectation is to Love God with our whole being and to Love our neighbour as ourselves. We may not like to think that there are expectations on our lives but the truth is we do have them and we place them on others.
The interesting question is do we expect to encounter Jesus? Before you answer, think about it a little bit. Some people confuse encountering Jesus’ handy work and miracles for meeting with Jesus. Don’t get me wrong it is important to want to see the miracles that Jesus brings, but the miracles are separate from Jesus our Lord. Encountering the miracles is comforting and easy to deal with. However, encountering our Living Saviour is life changing, profound, challenging, and humbling. Meeting with Jesus confronts our sins, our denials, our doubts and forces us to make a decision, Do we trust and obey or deny our senses more vehemently.
So what does any of this have to do with Joy? Think about it like this, if we are not expecting Jesus to be present, or to act, or to even care, we can verge on the precipice of despair. However, if we are patiently waiting to encounter Jesus because we believe we will, because we believe that Jesus does meet with us, then we are rooted in Him, and find joy and hope in Him. Do we live with the expectation of meeting with Jesus, encountering Him and Him challenging us to become more like HImself, to not just settle for our sinful status quo but to yearn to live in His Holiness and Love.
When we are expecting, we are open to seeing, and believing, to growing in life and challenged to experience life abundantly. Doesn’t this lead to the deepest joy that we can find, and it is in Jesus, the giver and redeemer of our lives.
May be an image of grass, tree and text that says 'For the Lord your God IS living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. Hewillrejoice over you with joyful songs Zephaniah 3:17 NLT'

Being joyful in difficult times

Have you ever noticed that on days when you are expected to be joyous it can be a struggle?
We are in a “joyous” time of the year yet for many it is a time of great stress and doubt. A time when the struggles in relationships seem to become more pronounced. A time when expectations are high and not always met, a time of family and celebration but for some it is a time of pronounced loneliness.
During this joyous time, it is also a time when those we are missing can be felt the strongest. Partly because of the joy that was felt during those times and the memory of loved filled moments comes to light but seem to be fleeting or taunting at times. As painful as this can be, these memories, they can also be helpful to us as we hope to move forward.
Too often when we are in the middle of the a dark time in our lives we forget about the joy that we had and think that we will never experience again. But we focus on the joyous event or a particular person. Each of these is fleeting, a breath in the wind, but the promises of God are different. They are eternal because God is eternal. They are not rooted in what is finite but the eternal. God’s promises as we have seen in Holy Scripture have been made and fulfilled. The people have realized God’s hand at work.
For us it is the living memory being passed from generation to generation. Not just of past promises being fulfilled but also to be able to see promises being fulfilled in our lives and the lives of those around us. When we have hope we will be able to see God because we will have the eyes to see, and the heart to receive because our joy is rooted in God not in situations or people. Our root is needs to run deep into God through Jesus so that we will be strong enough to over come the despair that is knocking at people’s hearts. To trust God who was faithful in the past, today, and we can trust will be faithful tomorrow. Remind each other of this truth.
May be an image of sky and text that says 'Good friend, follow your father's good advice; don't wander off from your mother's teachings. Wrap yourself in them from head to foot; wear them like a scarf around your neck. Wherever you walk, they'll guide you; whenever you rest, they'll guard you; when you wake up, they'l tell you what's next. For sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, mora discipline is a life path. Proverbs 6:20-23'
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Let us pray.
Lord of all creation, Lord of life, You know all the intricate nuances of our beings, of who we are as persons. You are also the great physician caring for Your people, Your children. You are our help when we are sick. You are the one who brings healing whether it is through Your presence, the power of Your very words spoken, Your Holy Spirit washing over us. You speak and Your words heal our bodies, they quiet our minds, and mend our souls.
Lord there are many people with illnesses that need healing, bodies that are recovering from surgeries, minds that are trying to find grounding but being constantly pushed down, souls that are wrestling with the morally unjust actions of the world around us. Grant us Lord Your healing that brings restoration to our redeemed beings. Lord we lift up to You those who are waiting for surgeries and other medical procedures. Those who’s health is waning while they are waiting. Stressed in the time between, wondering what will be, trusting in Your Devine mercy, yearning for Your healing and wholeness.
Prince of peace, help us we pray. Bring peace to all that we are, to all that we will be. Help us to see beyond our sicknesses, our infirmities, our worries, our failures and our hurtful successes. Help us Lord to hope when we are at our strongest so that when we are at our weakest we will know the way to You. Lord we thank you for the many different people who walk with us through these struggles and remind us as they speak Your words of life into our realities. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
May be an image of text that says 'Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, John 6:68'


Let us pray.
Lord Jesus as we near the third Sunday in Advent, the Sunday of Joy, we must acknowledge that joy does not fill each heart, that peace is hard fought in the simplest of circumstances, and hope is hard to find let alone recognize. With so much deep seeded pain that is tearing into relationships in families. With the distrust that is welling up and wedging itself between hearts, and lives. Lord we need Your healing love. Come into our lives.
Lord Jesus, as we prepare for the joyous celebrations, let us not forget those that cannot celebrate. Those who are limited by the reality that is their lives, a reality that we share but do not always acknowledged. Open up our eyes Lord so that we might see. Open up our ears so that we might hear, not just Your words of life but the cries of that fill Your ears. Lord help us to walk in the ways of the life that You have for us. Not just a life of self indulgence but a life linked to Your life giving Spirit. Let us draw on Your joy for our strength and reach out into the cracked lives of this world. Help us to bring life that sprouts from the pain of our sin to the wholeness of Your grace. Entering into the darkness of but filled with your light washing over us and filling those around us with Your healing light and love. Lord may Your kingdom come may Your will be done on earth as it is as it is in heaven. Lord we pray this in Your Holy name, Amen.
May be an image of sky and text that says 'Restore us, Ο Lord God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved! Psalm 80:19'
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Living in God’s Sanctuary

What does it mean to live in God’s sanctuary?
The idea of a sanctuary is a safe place, a place of refuge, a place set apart from the dangers and trials of this world. For some it is a place to meet with God
Not to be little or say that we do not need to gather together as the body of Christ, but I think our idea of sanctuary is too small. Sanctuary is where we are in God’s presence. Nehemiah understood this. Sanctuary wasn’t the temple, sanctuary was his trust and faith in God.
Living in God’s sanctuary means being in relationship with God, for us it means living with Jesus and the life that He has given us. Jesus said that where ever two or three are gathered He is there also (Matthew 18:20). Seeking God’s will, brings us closer to God and His kingdom, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭ESV.‬‬
Are we seeking God’s will, are we seeking God’s kingdom, are we seeking to be in relationship with Jesus, and living in His presence. Too often we try so hard to live for ourselves that we forget to live. Yet when we are living for Jesus, we are living in community with God and others. We are empowered to live in His kingdom, His community and not to be rooted in the things of this world.
Nehemiah lived this out, it wasn’t about safety, it was about living with God, not just living for God. His purpose for us is not just work or accomplishment but blessing and life, relationship and community.
May be an image of text that says 'He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah Psalm 24:4-'

The Temptation of Pride and Fear

In Nehemiah chapter 6, Nehemiah’s doubters,or more accurately his character detractors or even attackers, use the pride fear spectrum to try and create doubt in Nehemiah. Part of it was about his own purpose but part of it was to be about his own identity.
First they tried to suggest that Nehemiah was wanting to be and trying to be king. For some people this makes them second guess what they are doing because of how others are perceiving their actions. If someone could even think that I would do such a thing then maybe others will and I need to change what I am doing or how I am doing it. The question that Nehemiah had to ask himself what who was he trying to please, was it the ones challenging him, was it the king, was it himself, or was it God. This was a God given task that Nehemiah was working on. It was even approved and would benefit King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah put himself in the line of danger in multiple was and really couldn’t care much less about what his detractors were saying. This was always about honouring God. Elevating himself or worrying about lowering himself was not an issue for Nehemiah, thus he was not going to fall for the pride trap and thus deny God.
Nehemiah continued to honour God with his actions, words, and integrity.
The other temptation that was used was to create fear in Nehemiah so that he would hide, lose people’s respect and stop doing what God had given him to do, rebuilding the wall. Yet Nehemiah again saw through this temptation and did not shy away from the problems before him or the work that needed to be done. Nehemiah did not place his life above his trust in God (vs12-14). Nehemiah’s relationship with God was so strong that he was able to discern what was from God and what was not. Fear was not part of the equation for Nehemiah, the strength of his faith out weighed any temptation to fear. Nehemiah knew whose he was.
We need to be willing to look at the criticisms of others but we need to discern whether they are a gift from God calling us into repentance or lies trying us to pull us away from God’s faithful presence. We also need to discern where the fear and pride is coming from, are they really and how should we deal with them in a God honouring way. In each situation we can come to our Lord in humble prayer.
May be an image of text that says 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10'

Living out your God given purpose

Nehemiah had to deal with distractions. He had people who had power trying to convince him that God’s purpose was wrong, that Nehemiah was being prideful, that the king was going to change his mind and stop Nehemiah away. The hardships that were all around him, the struggles that his people were facing, trying to keep them and himself focused on the work at hand, and it was a great distraction but at the same time it wasn’t.
Even when faced with all that was being said and plotted, Nehemiah still kept coming back to God. Nehemiah trusted God even in the face of all these distractions and threats. Nehemiah listened to God and acted. Nehemiah trusted God to such an extent that He trusted God as his refuge, as his sanctuary. This sanctuary was more precious than a building, than a wall. The relationship with God was Nehemiah’s sanctuary that kept him going.
What are the distractions that you are facing today?
Is it the health problems that you are facing? Maybe it is the constant arguing with a loved one. It could be the struggles that you are having with money. Maybe it is the stresses at work and the self doubt that is deep in your soul. The world’s problems and the hate that is spewed forth sometimes about yourself and sometimes about those you love. Yet through all these distractions and problems one of the greatest problems that we face is that we don’t know or remember the purpose that God has given us. Without knowing the purpose before you, it is easy to give into the distractions.
Too often we think our purpose is an external accomplishment but Jesus continually points to the purpose of being the people of God, living with integrity, acting and speaking the truth of God. Nehemiah did not give into fear but trusted in God Himself for everything he needed and lived his life in that trust, and lived out his life and changed the world around him, not for his benefit but living in the will of God.


You may have heard of the term post-modern, relating to the era that some would say we are in that is after the modern era. Depending on who you ask, the modern era with its values, ideas, practices, and general way of doing things started somewhere between the 1600’s or as late as the twentieth century.  The starting date is not important for this discussion per say but just to know that it has existed in our history.  When it comes to postmodern, it is even more elusive.  Some would debate if there has been a significant change in eras from a modern to a postmodern.  Yes there have been changes in thought and how we identify our selves but I cannot significantly define if this is big enough change for people or not.  What I can say that in this change of thinking which could be placed in the postmodern era, is that there has been a push away from  what we call absolute truth.

The idea of absolute truth, an idea/fact that is true no matter what or in what ever context.  In passing you may have heard the question, “what is truth?”.  Have you taken time to really think about this question?  At times I have heard the question, start thinking about it and then get distracted.  Other times I have taken a great deal of time to think about how truth affects my life.  By the way I do believe in an absolute truth, and I believe that Jesus fits into the role of absolute truth.  So in my life, as a pastor, but also as a husband, father, and friend, truth is at the heart of my life.  Truth is important to me and I try to live out this truth.  So it is troubling when I have heard the term multiple times this past weekend, the term post-truth.

It hit me after reading some Facebook posts about theology which then started me thinking back about different news articles and a radio program I was listening to that talked about false news, especially in regards to the United States presidential election.  In the news field, it is easier today to get and transmit “news” through social media by way of what is called citizen news writing.  The ethics of news industry, which I have been unsure of in the last number of years in some cases do not need to be followed.  I have heard arguments that now we are free from the over arching influences of the media providers when we have regular people sharing the news instead of people with an alterior motive in presenting the news the way that they do.  Yes we all have biases no matter how hard we try to be unbiased, some of our biases come through in how we receive information and relay it to others.

If you have had a longer conversation with me you may have heard that I think we are on the verge of a new dark age because we are becoming more and more reliant on retrieving information without knowing if it is true or not.  We are learning less but have more information at our finger tips, but we are becoming less and less sure if the information that we have is true, fact, opinion, or total fiction.  Even the idea of claiming truth is becoming passé and yet there is a subtle move to impose other’s truth on to me even when it is debatable whether their is any backing to that truth.  Truth is being defined by the loud majority and when this is challenged they are defined as a new heretic, oppressive, bigoted, etc.  I will admit that this argument can be used against the Christian church for upwards of 1500 years.  It has caused harm to people and cultures but as people are reacting to this harm that has been caused we need to be careful that the reaction that goes against these historical facts don’t become the modern oppressors.

The struggle that we need to really engage in is not whether or not there is truth, but how do we work together with those around us to live in truth and not be beaten down by truth or beat someone else down with truth.  Truth exists.  As a Christian I am continually learning how to love others while living with the truth that Jesus is and has given to us.  If we try to say there is no truth, we create a paradox, but more importantly we harm ourselves but belittling our own existence by saying that we are each the highest level defining, essentially that we are our own gods.  In doing this our hope is reliant on our own abilities, strength, hope, relationships, etc.  What happens when we fail ourselves?  What happens when we look so far into ourselves that we lose the important relationships that bring life and meaning?

Post-truth is not a good thing, it is a very dark place that we could drown in.  However, the truth of Jesus’ life, reaching out and helping the hurting, lonely, sick, even those who are dead we see that there is hope instead of nothingness.  In Jesus’ death we see that God is willing to go to this great length to reestablish a relationship with us. The resurrection of Jesus shows us that the hope that the disciples had in Jesus was not unfounded and neither should our hope in Jesus.  Jesus overcame even death, imagine what He can do in your life. You don’t need to be alone. Jesus is waiting to hear from you.  He has already sent you the message.  What will you do with His truth.

Is discipleship a priority of your church?


Discipleship has been on my heart lately.  I have been studying it from other people’s perspectives, taking a course on it, and trying to see how this idea that Jesus demonstrated, called people to and even told His disciples to continue and pass on to each of us and we are to continue to pass it on.  But part of that is wrong, it is not simply passing it on.  Jesus said in Matthew 28:19a “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. . . ”  Jesus told His disciples to be intentional about it and not to just pass it on but we are to make disciples.  We can pass  a baton, but that does not mean that the next person suddenly becomes as good of a runner as you.  We can pass on information but that does not mean that we the person that we pass on the information to will have any idea what to do with the information.

Jesus said to make disciples.  The word make is a verb, an action word, that involves one person acting on or interacting with another person in this context.  To make a disciple there has to be interaction between two or more people with one person guiding the learning and another person being willing to accept learning.  In our case all should be learning something but I believe at least one person does need to be directing the majority of the learning.  Jesus brought together many people but we remember only twelve disciples and we know that of those twelve disciples only three of them got the special time together.

Most of us know all this, it is right there in the scriptures more specifically in the Gospels but why do we forget about it in our own lives?  When did so many of us stop thinking that go out and make disciples of all nations stop including us?  Going over what I have read I have struggle to see if I have truly been discipled.  How many of us can remember an extended relationship with someone that was dedicated to refining us, making us accountable to one another and to Jesus, and helping us to live a life where Jesus is our center? I’m not talking about something where we were sequestered away in some remote place and got up at dawn and were praying and reading the scriptures all day, although that might sound nice.  I am talking about the need to have someone that walks with us through life and meets with us for a few hours each week and helps us to grow in our faith, in our walk with Jesus, and helps us stay accountable.  I see this happening in so many other areas of people’s lives but somehow this can get lost, yet this was one of the founding principles of Jesus’ church.

I’m not saying that I am great at this.  I struggle with it.  I have lots to do like so many of you.  But one thing that I am trying to do is take this time with my kids.  Helping them to pray and read the scriptures and then helping them to apply them to the rest of their lives.  I am still working on this and have not perfected it especially with those entering into the teenage years.  I do have someone I am meeting with who is helping me along with this.  But I realize there is so much more to it.  It would be wonderful if we could all be in a discipling relationship, learning and then helping others to learn but not just from each other, learning to learn from Jesus.

dietrich-bonhoeffer-quote-on-discipleshipCan you imagine how the your community of believers would look now if we were to all be into a discipleship relationship and be committed to continue to disciple others.  The worry would not be about not having enough people but that many lives are being changed.

Remember discipleship is not just about passing on information, it is about allowing Jesus to be at work in your heart, mind, body, and soul.  Discipleship is more about learning to live in Jesus and allowing Jesus to live in us and see how He changes our lives and invites us to help others’ lives to be changed and in so doing change our community with the love and grace of Jesus.  If we stop at just ourselves we are disobeying Jesus. It is more than just Sunday School, or passive participation in worship or a small group it is about actively participating in a growing relationship with Jesus and others with us.

Moving Forward 3

Today I want to look at the next two questions together.

3. What are the priorities and needs the community around us?

4. Then what new priorities might our congregation need to focus on today to help the congregations of 2025?

Yesterday we talked a little bit about what the what the community will look like in ten years.  But what are some of the trends right now in our community?  We can look around and we can see some wonderful young families, some of them are from the community and have grown up in the community and stayed in the community.  Some of the families are newer to the community, like mine, and we are finding all the wonderful community charm that is present in Arthur. For some people there is a deep interconnectedness in our community that those who are new are still learning about.  There are many different forms of families in our community, some are two parent, some single, some mixed, some blended, foster families, some with many people in the family working others who are not able to work at this time.  Some people are struggling with relationships while others are working through problems each day.  In our community there are families and people who are single, living away from their families.  In other words, we have a variety of people here in Arthur, no it is not as diverse as Toronto, but there is diversity in families, in relationships, in socio-economics, in living arrangements, in where people work, even in ethnicity and backgrounds.  We have differences in religion with eight different eight different churches in town.

In Arthur we have a downtown that is in transition.  We have solid businesses that have been in place for years, we have new businesses that are trying to make a go of it but we also have places that are sitting vacant waiting for someone to try something new.  In the wider community we have different plants and retail and service businesses that help to support the people in the community and surrounding communities.  We cannot forget about all the hard work that the people in the agriculture industry, from family farms all the way up to the large operations, put into providing food, work, and who bless this community in so many ways. And we have a number of service clubs that work tirelessly to enrich the culture and build into the lives of the people of Arthur.  That being said there are also a number of people who commute to work, whether it is Fergus, Mount Forest, Guelph, Orangeville, Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge, and many other places.  Some people go to church in some of those places, some do there shopping there, some are going to doctors and specialists there.

Education wise, we have three schools, all at the elementary level, an alternative education facility, the learning centre, home schoolers, and a number of home daycares.  At the high school level the youth are transported from here to a number of different places including Mount Forest, Fergus, Guelph and some to Palmerston.  Even though they are away during the day, they come back in the evenings for a while.  When it comes to those that want to go to College or University, many of them have to leave the community, whether it is just for a week or for semesters at a time and for some it is the whole year.   For some they have to move away to find a job in their field and or to find a job that they can do to make a living.

In our community there are still strong community ties but there are some who do not have the same familiarness as other people do.  One of the ways that people stay connected here is through sports: hockey, lacrosse, baseball, soccer and karate to name a few.  These are draws for many age groups to come out and participate.  There are also a number of clubs, from horticulture to 4H, and many more.  These are all things that people find valuable and a good way of coming together and building friendships or at the very least having something to do to grow and spend some of their time doing something that they enjoy doing.  Churches have also been places that help to build community, help to share life together, and help to bring hope and love into people’s lives no matter what their background is.  There are even more initiatives going on that we are not aware that are going on.

One initiative that has become very big in our community is the #Get In Touch For Hutch group and event.  The community has come together out of tragedy to make a difference against mental illness.  A need and a reason was taken and this group spearheaded by the Hutchison family after the death of their son and brother Steven.  While there has been tragedy in our town, the community has pulled together to support each other to let each other know that we are all important and we are not alone.

Youth for Christ has continued to make a difference in the lives of youth in our community through the Door ministry.  Also The Arthur Second Look store has continued to pour support back into the town, the community, and the people.

This, while long, is just a snap shot of what is going on in the community.  There are different seniors groups, summer programs that are awesome and inviting people to be a part of the community.  As we look around and see what is going on in the community what do you see.  What are the areas of strength and what are the areas of growth, and what are the areas that are struggling?  What is being done and what could be done?  This exercise is a cross between being very detailed oriented and having the courage to day dream and through out ideas.  As a church how are we going to need to change to minister to the realities around us now and the realities that are coming into being for the future?  How are we as a community of faith going to be able to boldly step into our community now and in the future and continue to share the love of Jesus, the hope that He brings, the second and third chances etc, that we have been given because of His unending love for us?  Changes will have to be made, but the Gospel that has changed me and so many people around the world has not and will not change, God’s love as seen through Jesus is a real hope for yesterday, today, and even tomorrow.  What are you thoughts?