Worship 12-March-2023

Rev. Soong Huh’s Message

John 4.5-42 – give me a drink

This worship is from Sunday, March 12, 2023.

Scripture reading: John 4:5-42
Title: Give me a drink

Jesus was in need, she was able to help him. The Samaritan woman was able to give what Jesus needed. That was the beginning of God’s salvation work for her.
Just like that, like a cup of a water by the well, Jesus is inviting us to join him, his salvation work for you and the world.
He calls you with what you already have or he will prepare all the things you will need.

Jesus appeared to be in need, but when she opened up her mind and engaged with Jesus, she experienced the living water in Jesus. Her life was revived. She was accepted as she was, she was embraced and she was loved.
In the love of God displayed in Jesus, she was transformed and became bold enough to speak out the love of God for her to the people she was hiding from.
This is the power of the love of God.

In our daily lives, God is inviting us. Hold his hand and be transformed with the living water!