Worship 15-October-2023

Rev. Soong Huh’s Message

Philippians 4.109 – keep up the good work

This worship is from Sunday, October 15, 2023

Main scripture: Philippians 4:1-9
Title: Keep up the good work

As I prepare this message for our church, I wanted to encourage all the members. Through what we are doing, we bless others.
Although there are struggles and difficulties in our lives, we can shift our focus from matters to how God sees us, what God is doing in our lives, and what God is pouring out upon our lives.
Paul shifts the focus of the people in Philippi from struggles to their own identity in God. And Paul encourages them to rejoice in the Lord because in any and all circumstances, the Lord is near.

Please know that God is with you and God guides each step of your life.