Worship 3-September-2023

Rev. Soong Huh’s Message

Matthew 16.21-28 – Take up your cross and follow me

This worship is from Sunday, September 3, 2023.

Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28
Title: Take up your cross and follow me.

If life is all about YOLO – You Only Live Once, how would we live our life to the fullest? What is the way to use our life?

In life, there are good and challenging moments. We can’t choose only one side. But, these challenges are to be nothing but stepping stones for our lives. The cross of Jesus was not the end. Suffering of Jesus was not his destiny. Suffeirng and death were the stepping stones for his resurrection – his glory and honour.

Are we experiencing any challenges? Difficulties? Hardships?
Not easy, of course!
Studying and gaining knowledge is not done without effort and time.
It’s rewarding and meaningful, but the process is long and tidious.
How can we make our challenges the stepping stones for our life?

Peter, the first leader and the foundation of the church, was abundantly blessed by Jesus, but in today’s passage, he was called Satan! Jesus despised him calling Satan. Why? Because he put his mind on the human things.
Church is like Peter.