The temptation of pride and fear

In Nehemiah chapter 6, Nehemiah’s doubters,or more accurately his character detractors or even attackers, use the pride fear spectrum to try and create doubt in Nehemiah. Part of it was about his own purpose but part of it was to be about his own identity.
First they tried to suggest that Nehemiah was wanting to be and trying to be king. For some people this makes them second guess what they are doing because of how others are perceiving their actions. If someone could even think that I would do such a thing then maybe others will and I need to change what I am doing or how I am doing it. The question that Nehemiah had to ask himself what who was he trying to please, was it the ones challenging him, was it the king, was it himself, or was it God. This was a God given task that Nehemiah was working on. It was even approved and would benefit King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah put himself in the line of danger in multiple was and really couldn’t care much less about what his detractors were saying. This was always about honouring God. Elevating himself or worrying about lowering himself was not an issue for Nehemiah, thus he was not going to fall for the pride trap and thus deny God. Nehemiah continued to honour God with his actions, words, and integrity.
The other temptation that was used was to create fear in Nehemiah so that he would hide, lose people’s respect and stop doing what God had given him to do, rebuilding the wall. Yet Nehemiah again saw through this temptation and did not shy away from the problems before him or the work that needed to be done. Nehemiah did not place his life above his trust in God (vs12-14). Nehemiah’s relationship with God was so strong that he was able to discern what was from God and what was not. Fear was not part of the equation for Nehemiah, the strength of his faith out weighed any temptation to fear. Nehemiah knew whose he was.
We need to be willing to look at the criticisms of others but we need to discern whether they are a gift from God calling us into repentance or lies trying us to pull us away from God’s faithful presence. We also need to discern where the fear and pride is coming from, are they really and how should we deal with them in a God honouring way. In each situation we can come to our Lord in humble prayer.

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