Prayer for this New Year

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus as we continue to live in the life that You have given to us through Your own life, death, and resurrection, we strive to make a new beginning with the gift of grace that You have given to us. We want to trust Your holy words and Your divine Spirit leading us into a fearless life because our deepest unknown desires are being met and we are living in the fullness and connectedness that we have been yearning for.

Lord we have been missing the mark. You call us to holiness but we have settled for minor accomplishments and accolades. You call us to live for You and to be caught up in Your breath of life, to experience the serenity of the interconnected nature singing the waves of God’s beauty and praising His every work. We don’t understand the fullness of holiness. It is only with You who can make us holy because You Yourself is holy.

We are only verging on what it means to live by Your righteousness. To be washed and cleaned and clothed in Your righteousness. The righteousness that thrives in this creation of Yours. It is righteousness that sings in harmony with all the creation created from this same rightness and continually points to You. Eyesight cleared so we can see for the first time, He who was and is and is to come again, the alpha and the omega, all that is within and without, whose very voice the chaos listens to and obeys, the formless void comes to life, dies, and gives form to the new heaven and the new earth all because of You, our Lord and Saviour, our reason for being and giver of life.

Lord guide us this year. Help us to trust Your faithfulness as we strive to live lives free of fear, free of sin, free to be holy and righteous, free to serve You with all that You have given us. All that You have made possible for us to go beyond our limitations and live rooted in Your holiness. We pray this in Your Holy Name, Amen.

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