Prayer for students taking exams

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, as many students prepare to write exams for the first time, or for the first time in years may you grant them peace. Peace and clarity of mind as they study their various subjects. Peace to be able to recall the information they have spent time memorizing and learning. Lord comfort the anxiety and stress that many people deal with through their lives, these people who have trouble dealing with people yet need to be around people to attend school, to move to the next stage of their lives. Lord help them to be at peace with You and with those around them, to be able to function and learn and write the exams that are being put before them.

May the Lord of all knowledge help the anxious heart to find strength to face the unknown so that the unknown will become known. Lord speak Your words of grace and life through the distractions and challenges that many face. Words that draw us into peace instead of fear. Words that refocus our hearts on You the one who speaks order into chaos.

Lord comfort the stress filled bodies that struggle to sleep, that have forgotten the peace of simple relaxation. Bodies that are pointing towards a future but afraid to fail and afraid to succeed. Whatever we may face help us to not just know the knowledge that we have learned but also the eternal promises that root us in You.

Lord of our very souls, bring us to the waters of Your peace. In our struggles may we find the reassurance that we are Yours. Our lives are not based on our successes and failures, our identities are based on Your redemptive love. May the release of our stress give new life to our being so that the flourishing of Your life might grow in each of our lives so that You might be glorified.

Lord we pray for safety for those travelling to and from their schools that they may write, may return and live in the fullness of life, to play, to learn to grow. May we all be filled with Your blessing and grace. We pray this in Your name, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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