The power of the Gospel for the people

“And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As the church, how do we see ourselves in light of Jesus Christ? We can think very highly of ourselves but we struggle to trust in the power that Jesus has placed in His church. All around us, we see Jesus’ church struggling in many different ways. When we see these struggles, we can start to allow fear into our hearts and wonder if what we have to offer is worth what we think it is. The Gospel we have been given is being challenged by many quarters and some struggle to respond with a message that will be heard. The old methods seem to be falling on deaf ears.

The method’s are changing but the message to be proclaimed is still as valuable and as important today as it was than. The message of God’s love for His people is as important today in a world where there is hatred, human trafficking, homelessness, abuse, belittling, fear, sicknesses, empty promises, and so many others. The message of hope that is given unashamedly to anyone who would listen no matter social standing.

Jesus didn’t limit God’s grace. He instructed His disciples to share it. To help to share hope to hearts that have been darkened by the cancer of sin cracking the world at its seams. what we too often forget is that this message that we are given to proclaim comes with the power of Jesus. It isn’t power that can be harnessed for our personal benefit to be used for our personal gain, it is a power that opens us up to God’s divine grace and life. It leads us in the direction of righteousness and right living with the God of life.

We have this to offer and Jesus has given us the power to share it. Do we value Jesus? Do we value the Gospel? Do we value ourselves enough to realize the deep blessing that we have been given to share and to trust in.

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