Holy Week prayer 2

John 12:35–36 (NLT): 35 Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. 36 Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.”

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus as we think about all the ministry that You did during the days between Your triumphal entry into Jerusalem and Your crucifixion on Good Friday, we see the need for Your light to shine through the darkening practices of our world. The misuse of the temple, which led to a focus on money instead of being in God’s Holy presence, coming together in prayer and worship.

We too struggle to keep You front and Center in our lives. The busyness that we are trained and encouraged to take part in takes us away from times of meditating on Your word, and the intricate encouragements that it brings to guide us in the wholeness of life and righteousness. Our glassy, tired eyes glance at a small portion of Your holy word yet rarely take time to feed on it as You have taught us to do, Lord Jesus. We have missed living out the spiritual disciplines that have been formative for generations to strengthen our faith and help us to live in the life that You have blessed us with. The practice of gathering together for worship, of hospitality and generosity, the practice of solitude and silence, the practice of serving and being present in our community. We serve You who was incarnate but we at times struggle to live incarnational lives of faith.

Lord help us to see the subtle realities that are around us that are leading us into darkness and separation from Your faithful life living in us. May Your light shine over us so that we would be blinded to the lies that are luring us away from Your forgiveness and grace. Fill us with Your light that we might share the blessing that You have given to us. Lord, help us to humbly seek Your kingdom and point to You and not our own limited accomplishments. We want to hold You in our lives, not to limit You but to continually point to who You are and what You have done through out all time. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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