
“They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭32‬ ‭ESV‬‬

How often do we not give hearing the Gospel or any of the scriptures the needed time in our lives?

Yes I realize that some people are more visual, and others are more tactile, but when we put all three of them together, we get a better foundation for our faith. Yet too often in the busyness of our lives we don’t take the time to hear the scriptures. This happens on multiple levels, one is in our physical lives and the other is in our spiritual lives. In our physical lives when we don’t take the time to listen, it means in many cases we are skipping church, we are skipping community with others, and we are skipping communing with Jesus. This leads into our spiritual lives of listening to the Holy Spirit.

We don’t have the same physical experience of walking with Jesus and hearing His voice in our ears. The two disciples that were walking with Him on the Emmaus Road had that privilege. The disciples that spent upward of three years had that privilege. The privilege that we have is the scriptures that house some of His words that have been saved for us and His Holy Spirit that He has given to us to help us to understand and to hear them. To help His words be alive in our lives and guide us each and everyday. To do this, for this to happen we need to listen to the Holy Spirit. Maybe that is in the still and quiet of an early morning or late at night. Maybe it is allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you through your pastor or a wise, spirit filled friend.

Either way take time to hear. Take time to be in community. Take time to grow closer to Jesus.

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