Prayer for lost and hurting people

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭19‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus we confess at times we feel lost and forgotten. Our hearts struggle to remember who we are in these troubled times. Our busyness seems to have no end and we have forgotten how to be still and know You are God. We have lost what it means to be children of God, redeemed by You Jesus. You have said that You have sent Your Holy Spirit but we don’t know how to receive Him and live life with Him. With so many different voices in this world we have tried to shut them all out including Your’s.

Help us Lord to hear You once again speaking into our lives. Your divine words of life are deeply needed so that we can thrive instead of settling for a shadow of who You redeemed us to be. Lord may Your blessing fall a new on Your people so that we could once again hear through our self imposed silence and the cacophony of voices trying to dictate false truths that would harm us and lead us away. Lord help us to patiently wait upon You and live for You and not false glory that will eventually suffocate us and silence our praises of You.

Lord we have heard of the miracles that You have done in the Gospels and throughout the Bible. We can even recognize miracles that happen in other people’s lives. To be honest Lord we are jealous. Lord help us to trust You even when our eyes tempt us to doubt Your faithfulness because we are insecure and impatient and do not recognize the blessings You have already placed in our lives. Lord Jesus, we pray this in Your Holy name, Amen.

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