Prayer for Clarity

Let us pray.

Lord of clarity, give us sight to see you in these tumultuous times.
Lord of clarity help us to hear You in the busyness of conflicting messages.
Lord of life help us to confront the erroneous in our lives.
Lord of life we seek You and not the simplicity of comfort.
Lord of grace we struggle to find our true identity in You.
Lord of grace we seek to find our true purpose in given from You.
We seek You day and night yet the noise of our society is alluring.
We seek You with all of our hearts, mind, body, and soul.
We seek Your blessing resisting the temptations of fame, of possession, of authority.
Our lives are Yours, guide us with Your Holy Spirit.
Nourish us with Your living words confronting our sins.
Flourish us with Your clarity that we might discern Your way in this world.
Enliven our broken soul with Your soul changing redemption,
With your life transforming love.
Lord Jesus, in You we have life, in You we have hope, in You we are reconciled and made whole.
We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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