Mundane faith open to the miraculous

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27‬:‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Waiting for the Lord means that we are open to His leading. Waiting for Him means that there is the real possibility that He will reveal Himself to those who wait upon Him. Waiting doesn’t just mean sitting still but living towards Jesus, not just living from day to day, going about our own business.

People of faith can live out their faith in many different ways, whether it is trusting God for favourable weather, living with faithful integrity in the service of others, trusting God for the providence that is needed to go about our work and sometimes our play. What is striking is that while this is a faithful life we may become like the elder brother in the story of the Prodigal Son who did everything his father asked but really didn’t know his father at all. It is not people living faith lives aren’t being faithful but are they, are we being open to what Jesus could do beyond the normal.

What about you? Are you living a faithful life but does the miraculous seem too far fetched for you? Are we like Peter at times, when confronted by the blessing of Jesus, we feel ashamed when it comes to being confronted with the divine power of Jesus that we profess to believe but when we see it in real life we have to adjust our view of Jesus but also our view of ourselves, of our doubt and how far we are called to believe in Jesus and what He can really do in this world but also towards eternity. The power to transform our lives and our hearts.

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