God’s mighty power displayed

“Yet he saved them for his name’s sake, to make his mighty power known.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭106‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How often do we lose sight of the love that Jesus has for you because wee are seeking after power, after understanding, we are seeking after ourselves. God’s act of love and salvation is to bring life and to share life. When we look at God making His power known, we see the beauty of His desire to create, to invite people into relationship. Fear is not God’s first course of action. In Genesis God is trying to bring Adam and Eve into relationship, Abraham and Sarah, and countless other.

God’s mighty power is displayed in the baby in Bethlehem, not in the mighty conquest of countries but in what would be the biggest declaration against the brokenness of sin the world has ever heard and seen. Healings, community creating, grace showing, live giving love being shared. Yes God knows how to destroy, yes God can conquer but over and over again we are confronted the reality of God’s love for all of His people and all of creation, and you are part of that too.

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