Prayer of humility

Psalm 8:4 (NIV): 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, we look around us and see the intricacies of Your creation. The ground that houses seeds and bulbs that become flowers and plants that dance with the beauty of life and bring hope to despairing eyes. The birds that sing from the trees songs of praise to their creator calming the troubles of hurting ears. The twinkling of the stars shining their lights as the creatures of the night come to explore the quiet world yet teeming with life.

Lord with all these and so much more when we consider the vastness of space and the trillions of stars and worlds we know nothing about but You know them all, and to think that You know each one of our thoughts and care intimately about all of Your people. Lord You know the all the processes of life on this planet that is part of the balance of all the worlds in our universe. Too often we see ourselves in such a grand way but when we put ourselves in the picture of the vastness of space and time we realize how small we really are in the greatness of Your creation. Yet Your love for us is felt each day. We see it displayed in Jesus, in the simpleness of a child or the gentleness of one who has lived live in Your faithfulness.

Help us to trust Your faithfulness to care for each of us even in our smallness and insignificance, so that we would seek You and not give into the problems that we face. Bless us with Your strength and courage to face this day as we humbly realize the fullness of Your creation that we are but a part of. Lord we pray this all in Your holy name. Amen.

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