
The Session: Is made up a Teaching Elder (also known as the pastor or minister), Currently Pastor Edward (Ed) Charlton, Ruling Elders (members of the community of faith who have displayed God’s grace and love and who people have seen the character of Jesus in their lives, called by God and confirmed by the community of faith through an election), currently we have 7 Ruling Elders sitting on the Session.  This group is responsible for the Spiritual Care, Growth, and Leading of the Congregation, providing leadership in guiding the different Groups of the church and use of the building.  Each Elder has various gifts that they bring to the leadership of this community of faith.  The Session as a whole needs approve people joining the church, baptisms, weddings, and other special events with in the church building but also that has bearing on the life, ministry and worship of the community of faith.

The Session meets the third Tuesday of September, November, January, March, and May.  If there is a concern or something you would like us to look at, you can email the church at, call us at 519-848-3710 or contact one of the Elders.