Category: Uncategorized

  • Is discipleship a priority in your church?

    Discipleship has been on my heart lately.  I have been studying it from other people’s perspectives, taking a course on it, and trying to see how this idea that Jesus demonstrated, called people to and even told His disciples to continue and pass on to each of us and we are to continue to pass…

  • Sin and grace

    The church over its history was meant to show and share God’s love and grace as people continue to live out their lives. One reality that we can all relate to is that we have sinned and experienced the sin of others also.  The community of faith was and is supposed to show us how to…

  • Wisdom

    I am not about to make any definitive claims on wisdom other than this one and that is it comes from God.  This is where I see wisdom coming from and I think that it is important that we get this out of the way first.  For some of us and some of you, wisdom…

  • Mark 1:4-11

    This was the main text that I just preached on this past Sunday.  There is so much here and I have been told so much that sometimes we miss what is right infront of us.  One person was telling me about their Bible study where they parked on the line “and the heavens were torn…

  • Dealing with our world

    The world that we live in, with all of its advances and comforts, is tough.  Whether you are trying to just survive from one day to the next, or are trying to forge a new path in a new direction there are difficulties and worries.  Some of the worries that we face are health problems,…

  • Love

    After reading about 2 police officers being shot in New York and also reading about the abuse of women and children in Iraq and Syria by IS, it is hard to think that there is a God who loves us and is in control, but remember there is.  Some would say that some of the…

  • Joy

    As I am sitting here thinking about the message from yesterday, I am contemplating two things.  The first thing is that joy is more of a state of being than a feeling, and the second is that we are taught to not be joyful. When I read the verse, “Do not grieve, the joy of…

  • Peace

    If you are looking for a blog on world peace, this is not it.  I like to think about it but I don’t have all the answers to world peace that someone else hasn’t said already.  I can’t say that what I am about to write about is new.  It is my experience of peace…

  • Patience

    I don’t think that I have ever consciously noticed the relationship between patience and hope.  Sometimes what we hope for, we get right away.  Whether we were prompted to hope by someone who was about to give us something, not that we really thought about wanting it before, and then gave it to us.  However,…

  • Tough Scriptures

    The Bible is filled with the encouraging love of God but it is also filled with tough scriptures that speak into our lives and into our culture and makes us stop and think for a second and say that can’t be right.  Somewhere in our reading and in our lives we have heard something that…