Category: Uncategorized

  • Nov. 16, 2014 Imitating God

    When we talk about the fruit of the Spirit, we sometimes forget that these fruits are part of who God is.  By being filled with the Spirit, we are being filled with God’s Holy Spirit.  For some of you it is obvious, for others we some times need the dots connected for us to see…

  • Notes from Nov. 9th’s Message

    When we talk about gentleness and self control we can talk about just about any part of our lives.  Whether it is our actions and our words, whether it is giving into our desires, whether it is about things that we don’t even realize we think we need to worry about self control.  I am…

  • Remembrance Day

    As we near Nov. 11, many of us prepare to gather together to remember the cost of our freedom, our way of life, our privileges and many other things.  One of the biggest costs that we remember are the many lives that were lost, men and women, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends that…

  • Entering into God’s faithfulness

    I have been meaning to do this for a while but for various reasons I have not either taken the time or had the time to do this.  You might be wondering what this is at this point.  When I am giving the message or sermon on Sunday mornings, their is usually more to say…

  • Music

    Do you like music?  Some people love music, it is always playing as if their life was a musical with all their favourite songs filling in the quiet moments adding depth to their emotions.  For others they like a little bit of music but not too much, enough to set the mood but not to…

  • Example

    Whether we are at school or at work, most of us learn better after seeing or hearing an example.  Jesus knew this fact.  He would tell stories to the people around Him to give an example of what He meant.  Jesus also demonstrated what it meant to have a life giving relationship with God, but…

  • Family – Togetherness

    I am going to try and start writing a little bit more and sharing it on Facebook when I do and linking you to the post on the website. Families are an important part of our society, and of creation.  Families are a suppose to be a place of support and nurturing, yet we either…

  • The storms we face

    Each of us will face different storms in our lives.  I haven’t met one person who hasn’t had a problem or hasn’t been stressed about something.  However I have met people who when these storms hit, they have a different kind of peace about them.  The peace does not make them oblivious, it actually makes…

  • Trying something new

    No matter what it is, when we try something new, there is always a learning curve.  Sometimes the curve is steep and we get scared or frustrated and we want to give up.  Sometimes it only feels like chaos when all we want is simplicity.  The Bible talks about in God bringing order to the…