Our History

While not the oldest Presbyterian Church in Ontario, we are one of the oldest. It all began when Rev. John Bethune came to Glengarry in 1787.

Jump forward in time to 1906 when the original St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Martintown burnt down. A new church was built over the next four years but, in 1925, there was a vote on “Church Union.” The majority (all elders but one, and 154 members) of the congregation in Martintown voted in favour of union but a sizable portion (1 elder and 114 members) voted against. The new church ended up becoming St. Andrew’s United Church in Martintown.

Those who voted against formed the present St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Martintown. On November 22, 1926 the building originally constructed as a church hall or meeting place opened as a “temporary place of worship“.

Five years later, on October 23, 1931, this “temporary place of worship” was officially dedicated as a church.

The existing pews were donated in 1957 from the congregation of the old Aultsville Presbyterian Church after it was demolished during the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Prior to getting those pews, the congregation sat on folding chairs.

In 1970, the Presbyterian churches in Martintown and South Lancaster agreed to join together to support a minister as a joint charge.

The Small Country Church with a Big Heart