
St. George’s Congregation can trace its origins to its founding in 1860 with the construction of “The Kirk”. Several years later, the church was named St. George’s after its first minister, the Rev. George Grant. In 1925, the congregations of St. George’s in River John and St. David’s in Toney River (then known as the Cape John Congregation) became a 2-point pastoral charge.

Today, the building’s floorplan is laid out on a single level. Passage from the sanctuary leads to washroom facilities, a choir room, an office, and to the church hall which boasts a spacious and well-equipped kitchen. The building is in good repair, with ample parking. The property also includes a cemetery (maintained by St. George’s, but no longer in use), and a parcel of land which has been made available to the local Lions’ Club on a 10-year renewable lease to provide space for a community playground.

The church has a manse which is a solid older style 11/2 story home situated on a large lot at the corner of Highway #6 and the River John Road. The minister lives in the manse which has an office where she works.