
Who are we?

St. James is a collection of ordinary people who are trying to find, enjoy, worship and serve God as He is revealed in the Holy Bible. Through our prayers, our speech and our actions, we strive to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We welcome all others to join us in this quest.

We belong to The Presbyterian Church in Canada, which is made up of over 1,000 congregations from coast to coast.

Some Central Beliefs:

God is the Sovereign Lord and ruler of all things. Humans find fulfillment in Him.

Regrettably, people have failed to follow God’s way and have rejected God’s will. Our rebellion against God is called sin. Sin separates us from God and from each other.

Christ sets us free from sin and makes it possible for us to be reconciled to God and to one another. The death of Jesus on the cross paid the penalty for all sin. This shows God’s grace (love we do not deserve). Thanks to the grace of God, we can turn to Him in faith, admit our sin, know we are forgiven, and live for Him.

The life and teachings of Jesus Christ provides a model for expressing the love of God for ourselves and all people in our lives.
God expects us to express faith in our daily lives. Under the guidance and strength of God’s Holy Spirit, we are to reflect God’s will as revealed in the Holy Bible.
We believe in the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments, as the written word of God. In the Bible we find instruction and guidance for all our relationships with God and one another.


Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am

Additional Services are scheduled through out the year on Holy days. These include Good Friday,  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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