Moving Forward – COVID Update

Two years ago, we moved into a time of great change and uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic grabbed hold of the world.  Throughout this time we learned and re-learned how to live with it and avoid it.  We give thanks to God for guiding us through these times and for the immeasurable ways that God has provided to help us cope, serve, and stay well or heal.  In these times we saw compassion transcend isolation.  We experienced being the church in new ways.  We surprised ourselves with how quickly we adapted to new work and school environments. We established a new normal for our daily routines. We found new ways to comfort one another in times of grieving.

We know that we still must cope with COVID even in this new phase.  And we know that we must be intentional about encouraging and supporting one another as we move forward.  Everyone has been affected by COVID, whether they tested positive for the virus or not.  As we move forward, may God bless this world with healing and renewal.

What does this mean for St. James?

  • Masks are no longer required, but you are welcome to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. We are mindful that there are some circumstances where you or others may choose to wear a mask to mitigate risk or transmission.  For example, some people may wear a mask because they are immuno-compromised or dealing with other health issues (or because they are protecting a loved one who is immuno-compromised or unwell).  Some may continue wearing masks during cold and flu season.  Some may also wear a mask when serving or receiving communion or food/drink. We encourage one another to continue looking out for your own well-being as well as the well-being of others.  For example, you may choose to wear a mask around someone else who is masking (especially the vulnerable), of if you are not wearing a mask, you may be more attentive to physical distancing and respecting other people’s personal space.
  • Proof of vaccination is no longer required.
  • Hand sanitizer will continue to be available throughout the building.
  • If you are feeling unwell or you test positive for Covid, we recommend you stay home.  According to Public Health, isolation is no longer required among the general public, but people are encouraged to stay home if they are sick.  Within vulnerable sectors, a five-day isolation period for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is still recommended by Public Health.  We consider the church to be a vulnerable sector.
  • We will continue to live stream worship as we gather in-person for worship.  And Zoom will be available for those who wish to participate in meetings virtually instead of gathering in-person.
  • If there are a number of COVID cases in the congregation, we will also let you know as you may wish to take extra precautions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with me or an elder.


Rev. Wendy