National AccessAbility Week 2024


The blind will see,
and the ears of the deaf
will be healed.
Those who were lame
will leap around like deer;
tongues once silent
will shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:5-6 (CEV)

At St. James we recognize that accessibility challenges impact many in our church and in our Hanwell community in different ways. Some of us are impacted by mobility issues, while others find it hard to hear or see and some are impacted in other ways. In January of 2024 Stats Can indicated that more than one in three people in New Brunswick suffer from at least one form of disability. We recognize the numbers of those impacted are large and are growing as we age. Those impacted by disability challenges also impact those in their families and friends so in essence most of us are impacted in some way and at some time in our lives.

Earlier this year we undertook a review of our accessibility needs in the church and we look forward to sharing this analysis with you. May 26 to June 1, 2024 was National AccessAbility Week. The theme for this year’s Accessibility week is: “Accessibility and Inclusion for All,” emphasizing the need for collective efforts to create a barrier-free Canada. Our church wants to hear from you about your thoughts about how St. James can be become more accessible to you and your families. We look forward to hearing from you. Let’s be accessible to all.

For more info 

St. James’ Leading with Care and Accessibilty Ministry Team

Eddie Kinley, Faye Hossack, Wina Parent, and Rev. Wendy MacWilliams