St. James involved in Hanwell & Fredericton


We love opening our doors to the community, whether it’s serving a meal to the public, hosting a musical event, or making space for groups to meet.

Community Groups Meeting Weekly at St. James:

  • Zumba:  Every Monday from September – June, come and participate in an energizing Zumba class led by Carmen Quinn.  Cost:  $5 per class.

From time to time, the hall is reserved for elections, community meetings, and other functions.

If you are interested in renting space for a community meeting or family gathering, please contact the church office.

In the event there is ever a community emergency, we will do our best to help.  For example, if there is an extended power outage and St. James does not lose power, we will open our doors as a reception center.  Information on the services we can provide in such a  situation will be posted on our website, Facebook page, Twitter, outdoor sign, and phone voicemail.  We will also communicate this info via the rural community council and media sources.

Below are some community organizations we support, believing that partnering in caring for others can make an even bigger differences in people’s lives.

AIDS New Brunswick:

AIDS NB promotes and supports the well-being of individuals living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and seeks to help reduce the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections in New Brunswick through initiatives and programming that focus on prevention, education, and support.

St. James shows support for the work of AIDS NB in different ways.  For example, we support the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life held each September; mark World AIDS Day during a worship service in December; provide opportunities to enhance awareness; and provide other help as needed.

Christmas Compassion:

Each December, we try to spread some Christmas cheer to others and lend a helping hand to our local transition homes and those they serve.  People donate gifts of personal items, toys, books, games, clothes, blankets, and other supplies that are needed by the homes.

Greener Village Community Food Centre

We have a drop-off box in our church lobby in which people can leave donations of food items for the Food Bank. As the box fills we will deliver the items to the food bank.