
Trusting in the hope of God revealed in Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life, we are here to support you in your time of mourning.

If you wish for Rev. Wendy to officiate at your loved one’s funeral, please contact her (or have the funeral home contact Wendy) at (506) 999-5031.

Together she can work with you finalize plans, such as the type of service (e.g., graveside service or funeral service in the church or at a funeral home), date and time.

Ahead of the funeral service, Rev. Wendy will want to meet with family members to offer pastoral support, provide opportunity for family to share memories, and to plan the service itself.

In our faith tradition, funeral services are an act of worship, bearing witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are comforted and assured that whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s, and God provides eternal life for us in death and rest for our souls in our present grief.  God is our refuge and our strength and meets us in our place of need, helping us move towards healing and abundant life.

Services traditionally include prayer, words of Scripture, a message, hymns or special music, and blessings.  Families may wish to include a eulogy, delivered by friends or family or incorporated into the minister’s message.  Interment may follow or be delayed until a later time depending on the season or circumstances.  Services are also adapted to accommodate where they take place (e.g., graveside vs. church/funeral home).

Although it is natural not to want to think about death, funerals are one of our last earthly opportunities to share our faith.  And even in death, there are some things that cannot be buried, such as our faith and character.  These are part of our legacy and can breathe new life into the lives of others.

As such, we encourage people to take time, while they are able, to write down some expressions of faith that can be shared with the minister at the time of funeral planning.  What are some hymns or special songs that inspired or comforted you?  Are there any Scripture passages that you cherished?  Any writers or people that influenced you?  Any milestones in your faith journey you wish people to hear that could provide encouragement?

Healing from the loss of a loved one will take time and our offer of pastoral support does not end with the funeral service.  We can provide continued pastoral care and connect you with other resources as well to help you through your grief journey.

If you wish to explore interment options at our church cemetery, we will connect you with a member of the cemetery committee.


Photo credit:  Annie Spratt