
Presbyterian Links:

The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Presbyterians Sharing

Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D)

Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre (formerly the National Presbyterian Museum)

St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Woodstock (Our regional ministry partner)

Synod of the Atlantic Provinces

Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) Newspapers and Resources:

The Presbyterian Connection


Bible Resources:

Bible Gateway

Canadian Bible Society

Oremus Bible Browser (NRSV translation)

Daily Devotionals:

PresbyCan Daily Devotional

Today Daily Devotional

Ministry Blogs:

Curling up with God by Cathy Scott

Deep Cleansing Breaths by Cathy Scott

Youth Camping and Ministries:

Camp Geddie

Camp Keir

Canada Youth

Community Links:

Hanwell Rural Community – Our community

Meals on Wheels