Being involved at St. James

We believe God has a purpose for everyone and that God gives each person gifts and qualities that can be used for serving God and making a difference in the lives of others.

Getting involved in groups and activities is a way to discover and share these God-given gifts, to learn, and to get to know one another. The more we participate or get involved in worship and serving, the stronger we are as a community of faith and in the way we serve and witness as Christ’s followers.

Throughout the year there are many ways you can get involved or serve, including:

  • Worship:  Greeting, teller duty, reading Scripture.
  • Christian education: Leading book and Bible studies.hall monitors, teachers, nursery care.
  • Creative Arts:  At different times of the year, we can use your creative abilities, whether it’s helping to decorate the sanctuary for a particular season or the hall for an event.
  • Communications Activities: Writing newsletters, announcements, and web content; helping with event promotion.
  • Coffee Hour:  Every week, following service, we have a time for socializing and refreshments.  If you would like to host coffee hour, please speak with the church office and we can schedule you in and explain what the hosting responsibilities entail.
  • Hospitality:  Throughout the Year we have a number of events, including breakfasts, suppers, music nights, and so on.  There are different ways you can help.  Normally we post a volunteer sign-up sheet in the church lobby listing the opportunities to serve.
  • Ladies’ Guild:  The Ladies’ Guild meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (September – June) at 10 a.m. for a time of devotion and prayer, meeting, and coffee and refreshments.  Throughout the year, the Guild organizes a fall bazaar, a mother’s day tea and supports various mission initiatives.  They also provide pastoral care support to those in need.
  • Maintenance:  On different occasions, we need volunteers to help with cleaning, upkeep of the church building, and yard work.
  • Men’s Breakfast Group:  The Men’s Breakfast Group meets every other Thursday (9 a.m.) at Porter’s for breakfast and a time of fellowship.