Minister’s Blog

Blessings Cupboard – Wish List

We welcome donations as the cupboard supplies are low.  Here are some wish list items.  Thank you!
Snack foods
Pasta and spaghetti sauce
Tissues, toilet paper
Canned meats
Beans, Ravioli, etc.
Kraft Dinner
Cans of vegetables
Fruit cups, applesauce
Peanut Butter
Baby food, snacks, diapers, children’s sunscreen
Feminine hygiene products

Spring Prayers

A Reflective Prayer for the Spring Season


God of all time and space,

This weekend we concluded the winter season

with the arrival of spring.

We often associate the winter months

with shorter days, colder weather,

harsher conditions, and barrenness.

For Christians, we also think of the wilderness

as we begin our Lenten journey.

This winter season seemed a little darker too

with COVID, protests, inflation, other economic uncertainties,

and the invasion of Ukraine.

For some these months were filled

with more illness, aches and pains, and other health concerns.

And for others, this season was marked with good-byes

as a loved one or friend lived their last earthly season.

But, Lord, the winter months are also

a season of remembrance and reflection

as we turn the calendar pages from one year to the next,

as we conduct annual meetings

and give thanks for past blessings.

The winter months are also a time of rest

as we sleep a bit more,

as we veg a bit more,

as we take pause to give the fertile land a season of rest too,

as we engage in renewing pastimes and winter breaks,

as we resolve for better care of mind, body, and spirit.

We give you thanks for these gifts of rest.

The winter months are also a time of newness:

a new year,

a new semester,

new trails made by snowshoe, skis, and skidoos

exploring the wonders of your winter creations,

new drops of maple syrup exciting our tastebuds,

new cones of ice cream made from a fresh snowfall,

new memories made from winter getaways and March breaks.

We thank you for these gifts of newness.

The season of winter also fills us with dreams and hopes.

After a season of rest and renewal for the land and the plants,

we look forward to new growth.

After a season of pruning, and of rest,

of coping with harsher elements and uncertainties,

we look forward to transformation,

of being stronger and more vibrant.

After a season of planning, we look forward to realizing possibilities.

After a season of learning,

we look forward to graduating and the places we will go.

We give you thanks

for the gifts of tomorrow, of imagination, and make-believe.

The Scriptures teach us there is a season

for every activity under the heavens.

Gracious God, as our days grow longer,

so too may you shine your face longer on us.

In every activity under the heavens,

may we encounter your presence

and accept your gifts of goodness.

May sin be transformed with grace.

May conflict be transformed into peace.

May justice prevail over injustices.

May grief be embraced by comfort.

May illness be met with healing and wholeness.

May doubt find faith.

May loneliness find community.

May new relationships take root

and broken relationships be nurtured with forgiveness.

May disappointments be brightened by wisdom.

May that which is dark and ugly blossom in beauty.

May creation be filled with birth and re-birth.

And may your church experience renewal in ministry and mission.

Bring us together, young and old,

in unity and in love, in hope and in service.

Help us grow into our baptism and follow you faithfully

in all we say and do.

All-knowing God, you know the hopes and fears,

the words unsaid and emotions bound up

inside our very hearts and minds.

Holy Spirit, fill our broken yet hopeful spirit.

Lord Jesus, in your love, intercede for us, we pray.

Shine your face upon each of us,

and bless us according to your grace and wisdom.

In your love and mercy, renew our faith and our lives.

Prince of Peace,

In this season of spring,

we also plead for an end to war and oppression.

May weapons of war be transformed

into tools for tending your creation.

May ultimatums laced with violence be muted

by voices seeking peace and reconciliation.

May Putin’s demands that Ukraine surrender

be replaced with Putin

surrendering his will to yours.

May those in positions of power

position their ideals and values

in line with yours.

Bring beauty to where there is pain, God.

May ash and rubble be replaced with signs of rebuilding.

May the ground be planted

with bulbs, not bodies.

May infants, children, and people of all ages in war-torn areas

be given the chance to survive and thrive.

May cries of death in bombed out or makeshift maternity wards

be replaced with the cries of joy.

May theatres and art schools in Ukraine

be filled with creative arts once again,

instead of being scripted out

with bloodshed and despicable acts.

May the people of Ukraine be kept safe.

May refugees find safe haven.

May Russian soldiers standing down against Putin

find safe refuge from him.

May protesters against Putin’s evil be protected

from prison and his rallies.

Lord, deliver us from this time of trial.

May love once again show its power over death.

May your vision and power prevail.

This is your world, Creating, Redeeming and Sustaining God.

May we treat it, you, and each other

with sacred reverence.

Keep us all from dehumanizing and obliterating one another

knowingly and unknowingly.

Show us how to value, encourage and respect one another.

Keep us from lording ourselves over others.

Empower us to be the best possible people we can be,

according to your will and design.

May this new season


hope eternal,

peace divine,


love transforming,


grace upon grace.


(Written by Rev. Wendy)