
We have a very active seniors ministry here at St. James.

If you are retired and looking for opportunities to volunteer in new ways, we can work with you to identify how you can share your skills and passions.

If you are looking to become more actively engaged in social groups, there are a number of groups that meet regularly including a men’s breakfast group, Ladies’ Guild, knitting club, sewing group, choir, and friendship group.  More information on different groups and activities at St. James can be found here.

If you are interested in getting involved with projects that focus on helping community locally, nationally or globally, we are creating a mission ministry team to help us grow in the way we care for others through ongoing mission activities and by partnering with organizations focused on improving the well-being of others.  We would love your participation.

If you are looking for support to help you through life transitions, and milestones, please speak with our church office to identify ways we can help you.