Our Beliefs and Values

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  In the New Testament, “Presbyterian” means “elder.”  In each Presbyterian congregation, a session of elders is elected and called to oversee spiritual and pastoral care matters.

What do we believe in?

We invite you to read Living Faith, which was developed by the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  It not only articulates our faith, but also helps to address a variety of faith-related questions and subject matter.

Please check out the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s website as it has some helpful information on our faith and our roots.

What does St. James value?

  • We value people.  Your presence matters!
  • We love times of fellowship and other social activities!
  • We believe church and congregational life can be fun!
  • We value creativity.
  • Our doors are open to being a centering or gathering place for community groups and events.
  • We encourage teamwork and getting involved in congregational life and mission-related activities.

Still have lots of questions?  That’s ok!  Through worship and congregational life, we seek to understand and relate with God and Christ’s teachings to discover purpose and meaning in today’s world, and how to deal with the opportunities and challenges we face.

As a community of faith – and like a family – we support one another through the ups and downs of life.  We laugh and celebrate together, help and encourage one another, and try to touch the lives of those in the local and global community.