St. John’s

St. John’s is a small, fun and food-loving church community just east of Kingston, Ontario. We love to come together and worship on Sunday mornings where we sing, pray and learn about the Bible and the life of Jesus together, and take some time to connect with each other. Music is one of the things that brings us together, and, although we do not currently have a choir, we have a band with a variety of instruments that plays during the last service of each month (we take a break during the summer).

We also host several fund-raising and community oriented events throughout the year. Our June fish fry features Mundell’s famous fish and sells out every year. Our take-out turkey supper in the fall comes with homemade pie and is a favourite among our guests.

Our faith in Jesus helps to guide us as we strive to serve our community and connect with one another. Here are a couple other things that make us who we are:

Sunday School:

Children are a cherished part of our community. At the beginning of our services we invite them to participate in a brief lesson and craft in the Fellowship Hall, before rejoining the rest of the congregation for the remainder of the service –which includes special music and videos chosen with children in mind.

Celebration Sunday:

Music and food are essential parts of our identity. On the last Sunday of the month we celebrate who we are and God’s grace in our lives with an old-time gospel band leading worship and a potluck lunch after the service. We call it “Celebration Sunday.”

Come and celebrate with us!

All are welcome.

Please see the contacts page for the church phone number and email addresses.