

Kerygma Bible Study

Kerygma is a Greek word which originally meant proclamation or announcement. The early Christian Church added a layer of meaning to this word by using it to indicate the content of the message as announced by the Church.
Through a process of reading, reflection, discussion (lots of that), creative expression, Kerygma provides an opportunity for both the first time learner and lifelong student to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the Bible.

The Kerygma group meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM. Please join us.

Evening Bible Study

At St John’s we also offer short term Bible Studies with a duration of 3 to 5 weeks depending on the topic.
Our evening Bible studies are customarily set around a meal. When it’s the “full meal deal”, like the current study, we start at 6:30PM. If it’s not a full meal, you will be guaranteed a delicious dessert. When it’s the “dessert only deal”, we gather at 7:00PM. It seems that Jesus spent a lot of time at table “eating and drinking” to borrow the Gospel phrasing. At St John’s, we are pretty good at imitating Jesus on that front… yes; we are working on imitating Jesus on other fronts.

Please join us. Good Bible Study can be a trans formative and life changing experience.

Sunday School

There is place for young children and youth in St John’s Sunday School. Once the Children’s Story portion of the Sunday morning worship service is completed, children and youth of all ages eagerly exit to join their waiting teachers in their respective classes. A very varied program consisting of learning and activities awaits the children. The children’s learning activities promote growth in faith, service for others, Christian love for others and sharing the Good News of Jesus.

Margaret Hamilton W.M.S. Auxiliary

Simply put: this group is dedicated to missions. Meeting every second Monday of each month (except July and August) this auxiliary of the Women’s Missionary Society encourages its members and the entire church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service and fellowship. Their engagement to missions will cause them to raise support for causes as varied as health clinics in Gaza, the Refugee Program in Canada and Winnipeg Inner City Missions. They oversee the “Mitten Tree” ministry at Saint John’s which provides items like gloves, scarves, socks for several mission agencies.

Helping Hands

This hardworking group meets on the second Wednesday of every month in order to find ways of supporting the various ministries within the church. These “helping hands” also provide for ministries outside the church walls such as the provision of meals for the Winnipeg Inner City Missions. It organizes several fundraisers in the course of the year but its biggest activity is orchestrating the annual Bazaar and Tea generally held in November. Of course such a group would welcome many more “helping hands”.

Food Bank

In the Spirit of Micah 6:8, we believe God calls us to lives of mercy, justice and humility. One of the ways this is lived out at St John’s is through our participation in a food bank. In partnership with St Luke’s Lutheran Church and Winnipeg Harvest, our congregation hosts a food bank every second Thursday. It is a way for us to help families in need with one of life’s basic necessities.