Kensington and Area Youth Group

There was a non-denominational youth group started in October of 2019.  Rev. Pix Butt, Laurie Blackett and Juliana Elsinga are the leaders but we are always looking for anyone interested in youth ministry to help out with your time, talents or treasures.

We have been blessed with support from the churches in the area and have funds to help continue with our work.

Presently, meetings are suspended because of COVID-19 but stay tuned.


Pott’s Sleigh Ride on March 8th.
Cookies and hot chocolate to finish off a fun afternoon.


We had an “Escape Room” activity with an Advent Theme at our meeting in early December.

We had an “Escape Room” activity with an Advent Theme.
Mabel Thompson came in late November and she gave a demo on card making. Thanks so much Mabel!!
Look at all the beautiful cards we made! The youth then delivered them to the residents at the Kensington Care Home.


Our first meeting in October saw the youth create some pretty impressive carved pumpkins.