
In this time of social distancing due to COVID-19, congregation members find ourselves unable to gather as normal and therefore unable to put our offering in the collection plate as we are used to doing. We want to do our best to meet our obligations to the Presbyterian Church in Canada as well as the various groups in our local community which have come to expect our financial support. Without our offerings, this is difficult to do.

There are ways to contribute and still stay safe:

E-transfer: Offerings may be sent directly to the church’s bank account using the church’s e-mail address,

Cheque: Mail to the church’s treasurer, Lynne Allan, 93 Harmsworth Drive, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL, A2A 2Y7

Cash: Sending cash through the mail isn’t advised. If you are local you can arrange pickup by contacting Lynne Allan, treasurer, through the church e-mail,

Thank you for your support during this challenging time.