
Saturday 25th May 2024

Garage, Plant and Bake sale again!


Some of our choir members will be singing at this event.


St. Paul’s congregant Louie Gyarmathy was recently honoured by local MP Michael Barrett and MPP Steve Clark for his service as part of Canairrelief, a group led primarily by members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, which ultimately  contributed to saving over one million Biafran lives during the 1967 Nigerian civil war.  Louie was featured in the movie Operation LightsOut: The Story of Canairrelief.  The link to the movie itself is here:

Angie Cowan, Louis Gyarmathy and Rev. Marianne at the Presentation



St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church at Caintown – February 2024

Firstly, a thank you to all who during 2023 volunteered their time and talents to the wellbeing of our church and its congregation.  It was a wonderful year and we look forward to another great year ahead.

At our AGM last Sunday, we reviewed the Financial Report and are pleased to inform that we had a very good year.  We not only kept our heads above water, we were able to fulfill our Presbyterian Sharing commitment and also donated to Presbyterian World Services and Development for special causes such as the Syrian-Turkiye Earthquake Relief and the Gaza Relief.  We also sent $2,145.00 to the Brockville and Area Food Bank plus the food that was collected at the church.  We also supported the Homeless and Interval House with clothing and toiletries etc. at Christmas.

A special thank you to Carol Tennant who took over the job of Treasurer from Kathy Van Dusen.

Also, a special thank you to Sandi Wells who volunteered to make and send out cards on behalf of St. Paul’s.  They are personalized and beautiful.

Fundraisers: We discussed a supper and the congregation decided it was a big commitment at this time, so we will not be doing it this April.  We may decide to do one in the fall.

The cheese fundraisers we did last year were well received and so we have decided to do 4 of these fundraisers during this coming year.  Thanks to Shannon Morrison for organizing this for us.

The choir has done well under the direction of Barb Morrison.  Apart from our Sunday worship time, we have also led the singing at the Legion on Remembrance Day, the Lighting of the Christmas Tree at Mallorytown and we have sung at the Kitley Elders on two occasions last year.

Our Sunday School is in full swing.  Thank you to the teachers who work with our children.  We love having the young ones with us.

The Board of Managers are so thankful to those who have helped with the maintenance of the church; grass cutting; snow clearing; painting and landscaping.  We are blessed to have such a wonderful crew.

Lastly and certainly not least, our thanks to Rev. Marianne for her spiritual leadership and keeping us in line!!!  I know it is often difficult to get us all to stop talking in order to get the service started.

If you have any concerns and need pastoral care, please do not hesitate to call Rev. Marianne or one of your Elders.  If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, please contact Rev. Marianne.