Spirit Boost & Reflection

Did you miss Sunday service due to the weather or need a mid-week spiritual booster?

Because of last Sunday’s weather, I prepared a storm day reflection because service was cancelled in Hanwell and others were not able to attend worship at St. Paul’s (and other church services) due to road concerns.

Normally, I would simply send such a reflection as a Word document by email.  As we hope to use technology in more ways to improve people’s access to worship and other faith formation activities, I decided I decided it was time to practise live-streaming.  As such, I recorded/live-streamed the message from home (ignore all the “ums” and “ahs.”) 😛

I posted to Facebook, but you do not need to have a Facebook account to view it.  Simply click on the link below.  If a pop-up screen appears asking you to sign-up, just click on the “not now” button.  We’re looking at other formats to use in the future too.

Rev. Wendy