Ukraine – Medical Supplies

Help for Ukraine – Medical Supplies

The Ukrainian Community of Fredericton is actively seeking donations of medical supplies to ship to the Ukraine. In Fredericton, they have partnered with the Journey Church, who is providing a collection/drop-off point.

St Paul’s Presbyterian Church – Woodstock has spoken with the Ukrainian Community of Fredericton and we have volunteered to be a collection point for the Woodstock area for much needed medical supplies.

Woodstock and surrounding areas: If you would like to help, St. Paul’s will make sure your donations get to Fredericton to be added to their shipments.

Here is a list of medical items needed.

Some of these items can be purchased in your community, but some of these items will need to be purchased through medical supply companies (links for those products are provided in the Google Drive PDF so you can purchase them online).

If you wish to make a donation for medical supplies, you can also write a cheque or donate cash to St. Paul’s and St. Paul’s can purchase it on your behalf (we can issue a tax receipt).

Donations of supplies or money for supplies can be dropped off at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church (113 Victoria Street, Woodstock) (side entrance) during any of the following times:

Tuesdays 12 – 4 p.m.

Wednesdays 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Thursdays 12 – 4 p.m.

Sundays 12 – 2 p.m.

You can also drop off donations at Avis Golding’s home. Her address is 2266 Route 165 and her phone number is 328-8991.

Rev. Wendy MacWilliams

Minister, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church

(506) 999-5031